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Sabtu, 20 April 2013

I am in love .. .. with this movie! I had just cried a few moments ago, when no one seemed to care about me going home late at night by myself.. And I cried for the second time when I watched this movie. God! I know I want a real true love! But I also wish I have a real best friend. Real girl friend to go everywhere with, to chat with, to tell each other's secret, or go home together... Ok, the movie's over. Time to sleep! Wish I have this energy when I stayed up al night doing my site plan draft. (No one has ever cracked the code to this blog. Man, people have no creativity!)


Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

I said, each individual has one's way of telling one's secret. It is an amusing fact that I share my secret to the whole world and even sometimes wish that the people I care about would read this secretly. Just to prove that they care about me. And I give way for them to understand me.

Seperti yang kukatakan, setiap orang punya cara masing-masing dalam memberitahukan rahasianya. Merupakan ha yang menggelikan bahwa aku membagikan rahasiaku kepada dunia dan bahkan kadang berharap orang-orang yang berarti untukku akan membaca ini secara diam-diam. Hanya untuk membuktikan bahwa mereka peduli padaku. Dan aku memberi mereka jalan untuk memahamiku.

A friend of mine asked me a question that made me realize about this whole thing. Even God have His secret, and He want us to find out. You can read an excerpt a couple times and still get fresh and mindblowing essence from His words.

Seorang teman memberikan satu pertanyaan yang menyadarkanku akan semua ini. Bahkan Tuhan memiliki rahasia-Nya sendiri yang Ia ingin kita ketahui. Kau bisa berkali-kali membaca sebuah ayat dan terus memperoleh esensi segar dan memukau dari setiap kata-kata-Nya.

He share His secrets in simplest way. Yet, only the most curious heart would reveal one or two of them.

Ia membagikan rahasia-rahasia-Nya dalam cara yang paling sederhana. Tapi, hanya orang-orang dengan hati ingin tahu yang akan menyingkap satu atau dua dari mereka.

Understanding comes after knowing.

Memahami ada setelah mengenal.

To love means to understand. To be loved means to be understood.
But love is abundant. This is only a little part of it.

Mencintai berarti memahami. Dicintai berarti dipahami.
Tapi cinta itu berlimpah. Ini hanya sebagian kecil darinya.



"Do you have any secret you secretly hope that someone would, somehow, find out in secret?"

"Apakah kamu memiliki sebuah rahasia dan diam-diam berharap bahwa seseorang akan, entah bagaimana, mengetahuinya secara diam-diam?"

"How would he know?"  ask the people.

"Bagaimana caranya ia tahu?" tanya orang-orang.

"Well, each individual has one's way of 'telling' one's secret"

"Hm, setiap individu punya cara masing-masing dalam 'membertahu' rahasianya"

(For instance, this blog)
(Sebagai contoh, blog ini)



Minggu, 29 Januari 2012


Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Nice sticker notice



Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

I am thinking of cooking something special for someone special. And here is the first experiment.
It was supposed to be mashed potato, but I did not boil long enough yet it still taste great. So check this out.
Lagi berencana masak sesuatu yang spesial buat seseorang yang spesial. Dan ini percobaan pertama.
Rencana awalnya buat semacam mashed potato, tapi rebusnya kurang lama dan begitulah jadinya. Tapi tetep enak XD

This is the half mashed potato cooked with carrot, chicken nugget and cheese-add some pepper to it. I put some lettuce at the bottom.
Ini kentang setengah ancur dimasak sama wortel + nugget + keju + lada. Alasnya daun selada.

This is after I put the spinach. As usual, I used water instead of vegetable oil. First put some onion, tomato and soy sauce into the pan before cooking the spinach. And do not forget the salt.
Ini kondisi setelah dicampur sayur bayam. Kayak biasa, gw make air sebagai pengganti minyak. Pertama tumis bawang merah + bawang bombay + kecap + tomat baru masukkan bayam. Dan jangan lupa kasih garam.

It was not that bad. Not bad at all. (Trying to comfort oneself ==;)
Gak jelek-jelek amat kok. (Menghibur diri ==;)



  Just something I eat during my college days. 
  Contoh makanan sehari-hari waktu kuliah.

  Cooking has given the joy during my hard days at college. Whenever I am tired of brainstorming, I will take a rest by thinking about what to cook for the day.
  Masak itu uda kayak pelarian dari kekacauan kuliah. Tiap kali capek mikir, gw bakal tenggelam dalam kesenangan mikirin apa yang mau gw masak hari ini.

  It is Quaker Oat cooked with pepper, salt and chicken nugget. Maybe some celery or scallion if you like. And the veges are carrot and broccoli with grated cheese. I never use cooking oil and it still turns out edible.
  Delicious and healthy do not have to be expensive . . .
  . . . Yeah, I realize that the ingredients are rather costly, but oatmeal and cheese last longer (for me). So it does not hurt at all for the pocket.

  Beginilah Quaker Oat yang dimasak sama lada, garam n nugget ayam. Kadang gw tambah seledri ato daun bawang. Sayurannya wotel n brokoli dikasih keju parut. Gw ga pernah make minyak goreng tapi masakan gw tetep bisa dimakan kok. =P
  Enak dan sehat gak mesti mahal . . .
  . . . Yeah, soal harga tetep mahal, tapi kalo dibanding beli nasi tiap hari tetep lebih hemat di keju n oatmeal yang bisa ampe berbulan-bulan (bwt gw). Jadi gak seberapa nyakit di kocek.

  And now I am leaving to cook another special cuisine. More food coming up!
  Dan sekarang waktunya gw masak. Lebih banyak lagi menu-menu anak kos!

P.S. I am not sure how to label this post. But I think it is closer to the "ART" of cooking. xp 
       Gx yakin mo di-tag apa. Tapi ini boleh dibilang "SENI" memasak. xp

